One night, not long ago, it was the-night-before-the-night-before my birthday. As in.... two nights before my birthday. Well, that's the night it was. And this is how I spent it. I mixed up some flour, cocoa, coffee, and a bunch of other stuff that's not nearly as interesting. Then I put it in the oven. After all that, I put some frosting and chocolate chips (which I bought in States and have been hoarding) and some coffee beans on top. In the end, it looked just like that picture on the right. The reason for this, is that the picture on the right is actually a picture of the results of my labor. Like... Tastie!
Now the reason that I spent the-night-before-the-night-before my birthday baking, is that I had a party planned for the DAY before my birthday. Parties are rather fun, and I take great delight in planning them. So mocha cupcakes and Coke were on the menu. I invited all the Filipino staff, and prepared for a large turnout.
My party started out slowly. As in, there were two girls and myself. However before long, and in very classic Filipino timing, my Hair-Accessories-Making-Party/Lesson was in full swing. I had a full range of ages, and a representation from both genders... who knew? So in a flurry of hot glue, scissors, and sparkles, all my dear, dear Filipino friends began creating their unique versions of beauty.
My heart just swelled with happiness as I watched so many friends enjoy themselves. We chattered in mixed languages, giggles and exclamations accenting the musical flow from time to time. I just fluttered around like a regular.... something winged and energetic.... and gave instruction and opinions everywhere. These people were BRILLIANT! Super creative and wonderful.
So obviously, after a party like that, I was totally bubbly and overwhelmed with happiness. I just couldn't get over how GOOOOOOD my life was, and I had no clue how my actual birthday could top the beautiful day I had. But guess what? Well, just wait for me to finish my story, ok?
So... Now I'll tell you about my birthday. Like the ACTUAL day I was born, except 27 years later. First I woke up. That's how I start most of my days around here. Then lots of girls who live in my house told me "Happy Birthday, Melissa!". "Thank You" I replied. I think that's a pretty boring response, but it's also pretty classic, so I figured I couldn't go wrong with it.
After that, I walked to class with one of my housemates. When I walked in, I was startled to hear a lot of voices that were simultaneously saying the same word. That word was, "Surprise!" Which is exactly what I felt. Because there, in the middle of the table, was a bunch of really yummy desserts, and some soda and stuff. So while we learned all about genetic screening, we stuffed our pretty faces with delights such as pound cake, Chai cookies, cookie dough dip, and donuts.
Following the party, I had swing shift. I have this super cool housemate named Nancy. She has the gift of sarcasm, but also, she is really cool in a lot of other ways. She knew I wanted to catch a birthday baby, so she let me take the patient that was already admitted. But the really great thing, is that God rewarded her generosity, and we BOTH ended up catching a baby on my birthday. My baby was a girl, so I gave her this headband I made, which matched the scrub top I was wearing (which I also made). And wouldn't you know, but the partying wasn't even over at this point. Wanna know why?
Well the reason has to do with the fact that Nancy is not the only really cool girl I live with. I actually live with 9 really cool girls. So all of them baked me this cake, and brought dinner and a present and this cake to the clinic while I was on shift. They also blew bubbles at me, and threw balloons at me. That was pretty special, because I never before had a birthday party where people came and threw balloons at me. Plus also, the bubbles.
So in the end, My birthday kinda lasted for TWO full days. It might be a bit extravagant, but I guess you only turn 27 in the Philippines once, right? As the day was ending, Nancy and I got our picture taken together. Her baby boy wore a shnazzy bow tie that we'd designed. So it was kinda a fun photo shoot. Except for the one thing, which was that my baby kinda cried. But I guess you could probably deduce that from the picture.
The end.