It's been a while. Lots has been going on. I'm really, super close to leaving for 9-12 months of French immersion in Canada. The end goal is this place, pictured below. AFRICA. My heart is eager to get back the this hot, sandy land and start loving on people again.

It will be a simple life. I'll need to generate any electricity I hope to use, and all my water will need to be filtered. I'll likely cook over a propane burner or a fire, and I may not have refrigeration. Grocery shopping will occur at an open market. Fresh fruits and veggies will be quite limited, but meat choices include goat and lamb, which are both favorites.
I'll probably spend time with plenty of the other expats and their kids. My joy will be found in the Lord, and in demonstrating love and the gospel. I'll make so many new friends and learn so many new words. The simple things of life that I learned so long ago will have to be relearned. Cooking, showering, cleaning, shopping, travel, chores.... it all looks so much different in Africa.
But first, St. Jerome, Canada with this girl. We'll learn French and intern at a new church there. We'll continue to prepare for Africa, and to learn helpful skills which we can teach, in turn. Life's about to change, folks. A few last details, and, Lord willing, Canada by February 1st. Change is in the air, and this girl's ready.