This calls for a new balance.
No, I'm not talking about tennis shoes (although I do need a new pair of those), I'm talking about a shift in priorities. The priorities of yesterday are no longer priorities today. And the priorites of tomorrow are yet to be determined.
As ironic as this is, although I have a new focus, one of my biggest struggles is maintaining proper perspective. It is so easy to be distracted.
In all of the hub-bub that goes along with an overseas move, a new experience, a fulfilled dream, it is very easy to lose the ultimate goal. Loving Jesus with all I am. Telling the world about Him.

I want to run well, and finish strong. To give Christ my ALL. And I do not want anything to stand out in my life, more than my love for The One who first loved me.
Yet it is hard to keep my eyes on only Jesus.
My heart and my time are easily drawn to other things.
So this is a true confession. And with this confession, I am opening myself up to accountability. I am choosing vulnerability. It is my prayer that every day I grow more in my walk with God. But also, that I help others to grow. My heart request is that I may dwell in His house, sit at His feet, and find His secret place today.