We are weak, but He is strong!Since I was a little child I've known the words to this simple child's melody. And yet, it is only now, in my adult life that I've begun to understand them. You see.....
I have a problem.There, it's out.
I have a problem. A weakness, really. And I have a sneaky suspicion that
I'm not the only one.You see, this problem has to do with weakness. Yet it's not weakness itself that is the issue. Rather, it is my failure to acknowledge that weakness.
God has created me as a human. I have human abilities and human limitations. And part of the reason He gave these to me is so I would realize how much
I need Him. But my goal is so much different than His. Instead of understanding the mercy of the human limitations He's allowed, I seek to hide them. To conquer them. To ignore them. I feel that strength is the lack of weakness.
But maybe that's not true.
Maybe strength is recognizing my need.
Maybe Strength is dependence.Because His strength is perfected in our weakness!
I must learn to let go. To let go of pride, which keeps me from depending. To give up self-sufficiency for God-sufficiency. I must learn that
without Him, I am nothing. And when I am empty, He can use me. I am learning that admitting weakness is a form of strength.
So I'm learning this new type of strength. The type that allows God and others to help meet my needs. The type that admits those needs in the first place.
The type that realizes I cannot do this myself.