Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Another Beginning....

I teared up in the wee hours of Thursday morning as I heard that first gasping cry. The little one who we'd anticipated these last few weeks. It was another new beginning. And as I held that precious new baby boy, I couldn't help but think:

This will be my new life.

Welcoming life into the world. Each unique human with a unique purpose. Each carefully and miraculously created life. And I couldn't help but thank God once more, that He has chosen to include me in this process.
Called me.
When I had no ambition of my own.
I remember tearing up as I heard the first gasping cries of another new life. Words, uttered in Mandarin, heart cries from a life just being re-born. It was a new beginning. And as I hugged my rejoicing friend, I remember thinking:

Thank you God! For the privilege of playing a role in this new birth.

Welcoming life into the Kingdom. Each unique human with a unique purpose. Each carefully and miraculously saved life. And I couldn't help but thank God once more, that He has chosen to include me in this process. When I had no ambition of my own.

It is only more recently I've so clearly begun to see the connection. Because here also, God has called me. To help bring new life into the world. And I am thankful.
He has given me a dual mandate regarding birth. One that touches the physical, and another, the spiritual. But both will touch the eternal.

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