Thursday, June 28, 2012

On the Cost....

Missions is expensive. To follow that statement, I could give you dollar amounts and ask for support. But really, I'm talking about a far greater cost.
Because when you break it down, choosing a life of missions is choosing death.

Sure, that's a bit dramatic, but when you stop and think about it, it really is a type of death. Death of things familiar. Death of desires and dreams. Death of a semi-predictable future. The list goes on.
So I've decided.... Missions is Expensive.

Let me break down some of the costs:
It is the cost of leaving loved ones behind.
It is the cost of missing important events in the lives of friends and family (weddings, births, funerals, baptisms...)
It is the cost of living in a strange culture.
It is the cost of developing relationships around language barriers
It is the cost of forcing  one's body to adjust to new climate, habits, hygiene, and nutrition.
It is the cost of forsaking 'normal' and 'comfortable' things.
It is the cost of living in a context of change.
It is the cost of exposing one's self to the pains and sorrows of others.
It is the cost of lonliness.

But you see, I believe there is a far greater cost in NOT doing missions, whether locally or abroad.

It is the cost of being rich and increased with goods, and having need of nothing.... including God.
It is the cost of living a life with minimal eternal impact.
It is the cost of forgetting the real meaning of the Gospel.
It is the cost of not seeing God worshiped in all nations.
It is the cost of ignoring God's command.
It is the cost of souls.

With these different costs in mind, I see a far greater value in serving God through sharing the gospel, than in protecting my life as I know it.
So I choose to be willing.
Willing to go...or to stay. Willing to share. Willing to be vulnerable. Willing to sacrifice. Willing to give.
 So whether here or abroad, I choose to live a life of missions. A life that presents the Gospel both through words, and through actions. May all who come behind me, find me faithful.

Sunday, June 24, 2012

On Good Neigbors and 38 Days...

I have a story for you.
This is the kind of story only God can write.
You see, I met my neighbor.
This may not seem so significant to you, but please, permit me to explain. This neighbor that I met does not live here in Wisconsin. She lives in Davao City, Philippines. Actually, she lives just a few blocks from where I will live in 38 days. So sit back and relax, and allow me to tell you the perfectly orchestrated-by-God chain of events that led us together.

It was a hot day, that Monday in June. My sister, Alisha, was working at the coffee shop, rocking out to some Christian tunes. In walks girl by the name of Liz. She had never been to this new little coffee shop, and the quaint, peaceful atmosphere drew her in. When Liz heard the Christian music playing, she wondered if her cute little barrista was a Christian. So, she struck up a conversation with her, which covered topics like homeschool, missions, and a sister who was headed to the Philippines. Liz came back to the coffee shop every day that week with different friends.

Fast forward to Friday. I rode to the coffee shop with Alisha so I could work from there. Mid-morning, Alisha came into the room where I was working, and said, "Melissa, this girl I met brought this lady here, and she's from the Philippines." So, I come out to meet her. Miracle of miracles, Joy introduces herself as a missionary teacher in Davao City, Philippines! I began to explain my plans to work with a maternity Clinic, run by a Christian couple. "Oh yes! I taught school to both of their daughters! I actually live just a few blocks from the Clinic." We both just sat there, stunned.  Even if we'd known of each others existence, we couldn't have planned such a perfect meeting. Only God.
There are so many reasons this is a miracle. Joy was only visiting Wisconsin for two weeks. This is only her second Stateside visit in eight years. Wales is a VERY small town, and Mamma D's is a new coffee shop. Davao City is a very large city. The Philippines is on the other side of the world. The office where I normally spend my days is in downtown Milwaukee. In short, I clearly see the loving hand of God in the crossing of our paths. He is so good to His children.
In other news, I leave in 38 days.
The end.

Friday, June 15, 2012

The Adventures of Miss-o-wissa V4.1

Friends and Brethren,
It is with great joy and excitement that I inform you... There are 47 wonderful days left until I turn the page at the end of this chapter of my life. The next chapter has a title, but most of the details are yet to be written. August 1st, I will hug my family goodbye, and board a train for the west coast. After a two day cross-country adventure, I will meet with some of my future co-workers, where we will have three days of orientation before beginning two days worth of flights to the Philippines! I am so excited to begin living the story that the Father has written for this chapter of my life. May His glory be spread through my life.
Sometimes I have to pinch myself. It simply CANNOT be possible that this is really how blessed I am. A lifelong dream-turned-calling.... Something I've been preparing years for. It is here. Reality. I sometimes overflow with the joy and spill it out into words on my new blog Please feel free to keep up with me through my updates there. Also, If you are interested in receiving a contact card with my info while in the Philippines, please send me your address.
I am overwhelmed by the faithfulness of my Father, who has been perfectly providing every need as it arises. It is the little things, that are sometimes WAY bigger than the big things. It is the fact that The One Who Operates The Universe has time to care that I am blessed with something so simple as the wristwatch I needed....and it was even yellow. This boggles my mind. He has provided for plane tickets, visa fees, tuition.... Everything just as I have needed it. And I know He will continue to be Faithful.
One of the biggest questions: Are you nervous? No. While I understand that I will inevitably be pushed beyond my comfort zone, that I may feel terribly lonely at times, that I have NO IDEA what awaits me in the next two years, I do know with confidence that this is where the Father wants me. Therefore, there is no fear. I understand that I will see the unthinkable, that I will feel the heart-rending, that I understand things I don't care to. Yet I know The One who has authored solutions and comfort and A Way of Escape. So I will move forward in His grace, share His love, and rest in His comfort. And may He be glorified.
I'm thankful for a job that I love, and can put my heart into until I leave. I'm thankful for friends who have been so great and supportive even though I carry on ENDLESSLY about all things pregnancy, birth, and Philippines. I'm thankful for an amazing family who have supported my dreams, moderated my big ideas, and been so flexible as I've lived these last few months with no car. I'm thankful for a church who has chosen to stand with me in prayer as I prepare for departure. I'm thankful for a chance to get a head start on the language I'll be speaking. I'm thankful for a Father who knows my deep desires, and cares to grant me what my heart has longed for. To go to the nations.
I would love to hear what is going on in each of your lives.
Grace and peace,
 He is no fool who gives what he cannot keep, to gain what he cannot lose. -Jim Elliot

Friday, June 1, 2012

I Dreamed a dream...

I woke up, relief flooding my body with those little prickly feelings that seep down into your fingertips.
Three of them... one after another.
They weren't real.
Breathe... You are NOT about to miss your train. You are NOT behind on packing. You have NOT forgotten important details.
These were a first for me, these dreams. I've dreamed of catching babies, but not of leaving. It was so real.
But I know why.
It is because of preparation.
It is because of timing.

Two months exactly.
In exactly two months and 14 minutes, I will board the train that will depart. I will leave my home and start a new chapter of my life.
I can't wait!
Most of my earthly possessions have found new homes, one way or another.
My winter clothes are gone.... another reason I lament this 50' weather today.
My room begins to look empty.
Goodbyes occur with increasing frequency.
My list of 'last times' has begun.
And every weekend is planned until I go.
I'm cherishing this time. My family. My church. My friends. My work...
And dreams  of my future.