....I've been there.

Yes, and I am there. My life consists of two worlds, and presently I'm in limbo between them, sleeping on airport floors in multiple Asian nations (one at a time, of course). I'm at the mercy of the 'powers that be' who decide whether such-and-such a flight is full enough to fly.
The trouble is, I cannot get out.

And as I sit here, waiting for the last leg of my journey, the layover time increases and an extra flight is added to our travel plan. I feel like just a few good deeds and a few prayers would get me out... Just like purgatory. And maybe if I'm really, really good, I'll finally make it to my home.
Home.... I cannot wait.
I know exactly what this feels like... and while you will eventually get out of the airport :D...you never actually leave the Place Between the Worlds.