Saturday, February 22, 2014

On Spiritual Suicide....

"I'm beginning to wonder if its not a bit like committing spiritual suicide to go off on the mission field alone."

His words rang in my ears with a truth I might not have agreed with even a year ago. We met up in December, he taking a bit of a break from his overseas work, and I having a little more time on my hands due to winter break. We were discussing life away from the spiritual infrastructure we have thus far known and enjoyed. Friends, family, and church who normally sharpen us, hold us accountable, and lift us up are no longer near at hand. Suddenly, we are almost entirely responsible for our own spiritual well-being. The results shocked us.

It is truly amazing how much the choices and actions I have thus far made in my life are influenced by the people around me. Nothing like leaving everyone and everything you've ever known, culture shock, and a high intensity overseas lifestyle to bring you face to face with who you are.Whatever came with you is your 'junk'. I must admit, I shocked myself with some of the choices I made. I became unpleasantly aware of my deepest weaknesses.

There is a lot that can be excused under the label of 'cultural adjustment'. In my down time, I turned to movies, which had formerly been a rare treat in my life. Then in a classic move of stupidity, when movies failed to bring the entertainment and cultural reprieve I sought, I added more of the same. It took quite a while for me to come around and realize that what this heart was really yearning for was more of God.

Why? Why does a girl who's heart is turned toward God move overseas to do His work, and realize herself such a miserable failure? Why, when I should be at my spiritual highest, do I find that there are still the same old struggles of setting aside quality time, rather than plowing through 'devos'? What is the secret to the secret place?

Now please don't read the above and think I've given up. There could be no falser statement. But I am honestly working through the reality of my own humanity and my desperate need of grace. I'm learning to identify and find ways of meeting my own spiritual needs. I'm leaning on God to shape me into who I ought to become. It seems that the expectations I and others had of me are not completely right or helpful.

So what is the right way to do this? How does one survive spiritually when removing themselves from much of their spiritual support, and placing themselves on the front lines? In this place I have some friends and a church, but will the next place I go have even that? When we clearly know that 'it is not good for man to be alone', why do we send them to places where they are spiritually, culturally, and emotionally alone?

Is it spiritual suicide to send even the most passionate people to the mission field?

Saturday, February 1, 2014

In the Month of February...

A man's heart deviseth his way: but the LORD directeth his steps.... Proverbs 16:9

Well hello there, friend of mine!Update on Liiiiiifffeeee (which, as you may be able to discern, excites me.)
Lord willing, my February looks full. For the first few days I will be scrambling through some academic material and extra shift work in order to free up the remainder of the month. Besides that, I am learning about Primary Health Care and Counseling. Scheduled shift work added in, I could keep myself plenty busy. Yet there is something happening that excites my little heart far more.

My sister is coming to visit!

Jonathan, for my brother
For two lovely weeks I will give her a taste of all that my life contains over here on this distant isle. We will laugh and play and catch up on everything, and no doubt there will be tears at our parting. You, dear readers, will likely be regaled with both written and a pictorial documentation of this exciting event. And so, in this short month of February, I shall likely be quite the busy bee.

Alas, were it only for the 6 classes, full work schedule, and visit from a foreign land, the danger of boredom might loom over me like an impending rain shower. Fear not idleness, my friends. The second half of my February promises to keep me occupied as well. Over this summer, many of you listened to my excitement over the possibility of reaching out to a neighboring country. Well, the time has come. On February 20, I leave for two weeks on a Lake in Cambodia. Go ahead and click on that, its a slideshow created by a few who went this fall. It should give enough details for now.

Though the itinerary for this trip is still under construction, I anticipate a time of both giving and receiving as I will be working alongside an established ministry. There will be much to learn from those who are already on the front lines, already plowing the un-plowed soil of hearts who have never heard. Please, dear ones, keep this in your prayers. Girls who have already been bring back reports of immense spiritual growth and challenge, as well as fruitful ministry. Words cannot express my excitement, and my heart can scarce contain it.

8 weeks old now
So as I fly through my busy February, please keep me in your prayers as I continue to remember you in mine. Life doesn't slow down, I'm just learning to hold onto my hat. The light at the end of the tunnel is visible. In 3.5 months, the academic portion of my work here will be complete. About 3 months after that, my time here will come to a close. Beyond that, I have little visibility a present. This heart of mine prefers a bit of planning, but oh! The character that can be built in the times of waiting and praying.
Bless you, and join me in blessing our Father.
With love,