Friday, July 26, 2013

On Magnet People....

"He's like one of my magnet people, ya know?"

She was trying to explain how well they got along. The description was perfect. The inexplicable attraction between two people, the automatic gravitation towards one another, the 'click'. Between  some people friendship is just effortless.

Those people about whom you are always interested and with whom you always feel at ease. These rare gifts that come into your life at the most unexpected times. They nourish the soul, challenge the spirit, and refresh the mind. These are the ones who know how to be firm with you, but have the gentle graces necessary for you to really hear what they are saying.

These are the ones that you can laugh with. Gut wrenching, gasping, unladylike, snort-inducing laughs. And the ones you can cry with. Blubbering, makeup-smudging, nose dripping, ugly crying.

With these special souls one needn't explain one's sense of humor. It is difficult to feel annoyed with them, and their opinion is treasured... not easily disregarded. These people intuitively understand your soul, and can confront you to your core without destroying you.

A magnet person can question everything you ever believed in, yet somehow they are not questioning your faith. Their lives teach you how to love, how to grow, and how to admit failure and human need. These are the ones with which we can fearlessly share our dreams because they will be addressed with insight, cherished, and nurtured. Our thought processes don't need to be articulated, because they are followed.

When you find one of your magnet people, you are able to say more with a glance than most could be made to understand in an hour of fine oration. You are able to feel the condition of each other's hearts without words. I groups, magnet people tend to migrate towards one another. They enable those around them to feel at ease because of the comfort created by their friendship.

A couple wonderful times in life, we are gifted with magnet people. One walked into shift a bit ago, and we've been treasuring the few months that we'll have together.

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