Saturday, May 25, 2013

The Fairy Tale That Isn't.....

My life does not always line up with scripture.

Some of this is my fault. It is choices I've made, sin in my life, or lack of God. But some of this is things that are outside of my control. The equations I was taught, didn't equal the answer I wanted.

Faith isn't supposed to be part of the equation....

Faith + Hard work + Wise choices = financial freedom

Faith + Healthy living + Not seeking "The arm of the flesh" (ie. not going to doctors) = health/healing

Faith + Abstinence + 'Emotional Purity' = guarantee of a godly spouse

Faith + Humility + Unconditional Love = healthy relationships

.... It's supposed to be the answer.

Not the answer in some pat, recycled format. Not as a default answer to situations that have no answer; that require some grappling. Not as a way of not dealing with things. Instead, as the end product of what might turn out to be a long, heart-breaking, and life-changing story.

Like...     Life +A bunch of things we don't understand + Hanging on to God = Faith

Because guess what? I've seen all of the above equations (plus many, many more) fail. And if all of the promises of scripture came to pass as I read that they should, life would be a fairy tale. And where does this fallen world come into play? And will all of those things that are 'working together for my good' automatically be pain-free? And is pain always bad?

Who's fault is it?

So God doesn't fail. Which leaves..... people. But can we really be so assuming as to blame people for things that God sovereignly allows? Yes, God has chosen to allow man to play a role in the universe and to influence His actions. But for disillusioned people to take responsibility or assign blame when prayer is not answered in an expected way, might possibly be a bit conceited. Because faith = trust regardless of the outcome.

What if we're not in charge?

Most Christians will quickly allow that humans are not in charge. Yet our actions don't back up that allowance. When children don't turn out well, we often blame parents. When marriages fail, we tend to blame the couple. When people die, we find ourselves asking if we really prayed in faith for their healing.

Let go, and let God....

That might not just mean not trying so hard on our own. That might mean being willing to accept the answers that we don't understand. Even answers that don't line up with our understanding of scripture. That might mean wrestling over truth and questioning beliefs until all we have to hang on to, is a simple fact.

God Is.

Maybe there isn't actually an If/Then equation that sums up life. Perhaps Faith in God = Faith in God. Could it be that the end of faith is actually faith, rather than 'things hoped for'?  What if the plan is much bigger than ending up with what we think we need, or what we think we're entitled to based on Scripture?

Maybe Faith is having the courage to let God be in Control.

1 comment:

  1. Wow, Miss-o-wissa! This gives much to ponder, good meat to chew on. Thanks for baring your soul!

    Nonnie (aka JJ, aka Juanita)
