Saturday, May 5, 2012

On Going With the Flow....

I sat on a fallen tree, centered over the lazy creek, dropping pieces of bark into the water one by one. Then I watched them float. Some quickly caught the mid-stream current and made a fairly fast cruise downstream. Others spun along near the edges of the current, tracing lazy circles or getting caught in the weeds along the edge. Some started out quickly, but left the main current and lodged along the side of the banks. Still others did not look nearly as promising initially, but quickly caught  on and sailed away.
As I was talking with God, I asked him if there was a lesson in those pieces of bark. The words that came to mind were, Go with the Flow. I thought about how important it is, spiritually, to make sure we are in the current of God's will. And I repented for the many times I've drifted out of that current, and been side-tracked and waylayed by the things life had to offer.  But I need God. I need Him to be the driving force in my life. I need to be carried away with following Him.
So I am praying that God will teach me more and more, my need for Him. I pray that dependance will become a normal thing for me. I am begging God to keep me from being side-tracked by all the insignificant things life has to offer. And I guess I'm just striving now, to go with His flow.

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